Friday, May 2, 2008

Darya it is :D

Till 6 this evening I still hadn’t come to any final decision on what to call this new baby. For me to choose something I have to ‘feel’ that it’s right; I need to get a sign—nooooo I haven’t read one Paulo Coelho book too many :D

So I’d added some new songs to my ipod—some old albums that I hadn’t listened to for a long time—when Moein’s song Pialeh came on. Oh god this song!!!It must have been at least 10 years since I last heard this song. I love the message of the song. So merry old me tried to sing along, trying to remember the lyrics when the following words were sang out loud:

Bi Neyaz o

Tanha baash;

Teshneh bash o

Darya bash


Be detached (from worldly possessions)

Be solitary

Be thirsty

Be the sea

Can a sign get any clearer than this??!! It says be the sea—be darya.

And so Darya (the sea) I become

The ebb and flow of my sea will be marked here:

I had created that blog when I wanted to export the posts on Magical Droplets before deleting it. I just exported all the posts on Mirror Polisher to it as well.

PS. I forgot to credit the two images in this post (edited) and the one preceding it--opps-- they are both from this site

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The importance of being Earnest

How do parents do it????? Not the raising the kid up properly part…that’s easily done…they should just invest in a good international satellite dish and let the kid be brought up by the old box in the corner.

No I’m talking about the hardest part of having kids—choosing a name.

I’m trying to pick a new name for my new blog and I'm stuck.

Scratched and scratched and scratched my head all day yesterday and came up with no name that ‘felt’ right.

Then a Youtube buddy of mine emails me that a friend of theirs has just given birth and they are looking for a suitable Persian name. So I gave him my fav Persian names…then a lightbulb came on…hmmmm how about a Persian name for my new username? I can’t use my own coz well of that eerie feeling… so why not another one?

See as a kid I never actually really liked my name coz it rhymed with my brother’s. I felt that the only reason my parents gave me this name was so it would fit in nicely after my brother’s name on some kind of list —hey I’m a Cancerian…we are weird.

So first name that came to my mind was Delaram. It means a peaceful heart or a quiet heart. I used to have a colleague in Iran with this name and she really was calm and peaceful.

Other names I have short-listed are:

1. Shabnam: I like the ring to it …oh and the meaning? Well it means dew …which is what I meant by magical droplets. Oh and I also have a very sweet friend called Shabnam so there’s good aura attached to the name :D

2. Darya=sea. Me lova da sea :D

3. Kimiya=Alchemy. I like the way it sounds and the meaning.

I’m gonna sleep on it tonight :D