Week in review
1. Sis b-day and a free yoga video
Yesterday was my sister’s birthday. She’s the kind that makes a list. One of the items on her list was a yoga DVD, so I gave her this link: http://yoga.org.nz/yoga_vidoes_download1.htm
Happy birthday sis :D
PS. Oh, and in case you are wondering, yes she did make me get off my ass and go out and buy her and actual gift. But wouldn’t it be nice if we could just give people links as gifts :D
2. Getting signs to start taking pix again
I got this personal belief that either do something with a passion or don’t do it all. So that’s why I haven’t picked up my camera in such along time. So when I got an email from some dude who is writing a book and wanted to use one of my pix; I’m like…hey maybe I could establish a relationship with that little thingy again. But this DSLR thing is too complicated so I went shopping for a good point-and-shoot camera. So far found nothing I like. Waiting for exhibition on feb 4th to buy a camera and a laptop. Oh and thanks hamid for that email a couple of weeks ago also pushing me to start picking up that camy.
3. Thought of trying to develop a passion for cooking
Since a lot of people I meet these days seem to love cooking—even guys—I thought maybe I need to see if I can find the joy of slaving over a hot stove as well. So I thought of checking out you tube videos. Love this one :D
Week ahead
1. Gonna see my niece
My bro who (I don’t like using whom) I haven’t seen in over 15 years is coming this Tuesday :D :D :D…with his wife aaaaaannnnnddddddddd my niece :D :D :D This little angel has her own website!!! Damn times have changed, when I was born all I got was a bunch of pictures taken with a regular camera :(
Visit the Yoga.org.nz Online yoga website
heaps of cool yoga stuff including a free downloadable Videos and DVDs.
Love the cooking tips, MP! And grab your camera! You have such a great eye, just keep it in your purse so you will have it when you need it!
Yey ! on your brothers visit ! I know how it feels to meet someone after so many years !
you haven't seen your bro in 15 years?!
wow you really need ot take that trip! hope the "reunion" is great!
intlxpatr: that video was a hahaha one wasn't it?
Yeah, i know what u mean, that's why i want to get a small camera so i could just have in my purse all that time.
grey: yeah? who? It does feel good doesn't it? The airport scene is gonna be an indian movie one :D especially with my mom and her son
jay cam: oh, yeah that trip is long over due
15 years!!! *cries* thats a long time.. I am sure he is as excited as you are to see him! I hope that all goes well and you both have a good time together :)
Good Morning, MP! Where did you magical clock go, the one with the sun and the moon on it?
And are you doing an identical blog on WordPress? I will have to try to find it!
By the way, no, the video wasn't a ha ha! Don't you remember when you first started cooking? The simplest things were a total mystery! That video gave GREAT tips for getting more juice out of the lemon.
amu: life flashes by; it really doesn't feel like 15 years. I remember vividly the last time we talked, like it was yesterday.
intlxpatr: i was experimenting with changing the template and deleted, then i lost the html code for so i couldn't bring it back :(
yeah i do have an identical one on wordpress:D See how bored i am :D...i wanna test them to see which i would like better. mymagicaldroplets.wordpress.com
intlxpatr 2: Maybe when i first saw the video i was in my hahaha mood so i found it funny (stm i even laugh when i'm watching serious documentaries; my shrink is working on fixing me) But honestly i thought the video was a parody)
*goes to watch the video again*
The first time i cooked? My mom had left the instructions and said that i should first slightly fry the onions; i called her and asked should i fry it in water or oil :D
Oh...and i'm still not much better :D
just saw the video again...u r right it wasn't a parody...so i must have been in a real laughing mood when i first saw it. I think it was coz i was watching a bunch of stand-up comedy clip (especially Jeff Dunham) that just put me in the mood to find everything amusing.
*goes to fix self*
But I have a much easier way to squeeze lemon...give it to my bro to do it :D
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