Friday, February 15, 2008

Drops of Tears

This little drop of tear fell coz your gorgeous baby smile won’t brighten up my day anymore,

This little drop of tear fell coz your cute laughter won’t fill our house anymore,

This little drop of tear fell coz I won’t have the joy of seeing you dance by jumping up and down,

This little drop of tear fell coz I won’t laugh every time you shake your head side to side refusing to eat baby food, but would take delight in eating grown up soup

This little drop of tear fell coz I won’t rejoice in seeing your little chubby hands clap every time you are happy

This little drop of tear fell coz my cheeks won’t get wet every time you try to kiss me

This little drop of tear fell coz your dark black eyes won’t penetrate deep into my soul every time you stare at me

This little drop of tear fell coz you won’t fall asleep on my chest anymore

My little angel left yesterday :(

UPDATE: The above tears fell coz my 10 month old niece went back to the States after a two-week visit to Kuwait.


Anonymous said...

Ahh you dont need to cry..I know such moments are sad..but you will see him soon again ..Smile :)

Bulletii said...

may their precious soul rest in peace.

Mirror Polisher said...

amu: thanks. hopefully i'll see them this august. But the tears are mostly coz of my niece :) :)

bullet symphony: Thank you habibty for your concern but my niece didn't pass away she just went back home to the states after a two week visit. that i reread my post it does sound like she passed away. sorry :(

Touché said...

Damn it girl, you’re post caused many little tears. The good thing that you cleared things up with the comments.

Now that everything is cleared, I re-read your post and had lots and lots of smiles.

Mirror Polisher said...

touche: no u no cry. me shooo shooory...will add an update to post to stop other tears from falling :D