Monday, April 14, 2008

More random pictures from Tehran

1. Picture of two mosques in Tehran for Intlxpatr

2. Is it too polluted for ya? :D Keep track of the amount of gases in the air in Shahrakeh Ghaarb

3. Love this idea. Tehran’s city Hall has placed book baskets on buses. This particular book is called, “Short stories from Pakistan”

4. Wall painting in Vanak Square

Close up of the same house

5. My ice cream :D


nQ said...

my home country!

Arsh said...

Oh wow, thanks for sharing the photos from Tehran. Oh God, I miss it like crazy. Please please please, ye aks az khiaboon Pahlavi (Sohrevardi I guess) begir if you pass by it. I always have this perspective image of that street in my mind with all those amazingly tall trees.

Arsh said...

hehe forget about my previous comment, I just read all your new posts, and I figured you're back home again. I'm happy you had a safe trip. And I hope the family emergency is about a good thing.

Mirror Polisher said...

nq: didn't know that :D

arshia: OMG...Pahalvi street is my fav street in the whole world :D :D ...especially in the fall coz of those trees. They gave you the feeling that they are about to hug you.

Unfortunately i lost some of pix i took in Tehran and the pix of Pahlavi street were amongst those :(

Anonymous said...

I love these photos! Didn't you post the two mosques on the other blog, the WordPress blog while you were still there?

Mirror Polisher said...

intlxpatr: yeah they are :D Now that i have acces to blogspot again, i republished them here :D